Houston Storm Victims: Follow These Steps to File Your Insurance Claim

Once again, Houston has been ravaged by severe storms and tornadoes. The May 16-17 derecho, packing hurricane-force winds, left a trail of destruction, widespread power outages, and heartbreaking loss of life. As residents grapple with the daunting task of rebuilding, it’s crucial to navigate the insurance claim process carefully to ensure you receive the full compensation you deserve.

If your property suffered damage, follow these steps to file your insurance claim:

  1. Contact Your Insurer Immediately Call your insurance company right away to start your claim. Provide your policy number and a description of the damage.
  2. Document the Damage Extensively Before making temporary repairs, thoroughly photograph and video all damage to structures and belongings. Create a detailed inventory.
  3. Make Necessary Temporary Repairs Make essential temporary repairs, like covering roof holes or boarding up windows, to prevent further damage. Save all receipts. Hold off on permanent repairs for now.
  4. Review Your Policy Coverage Read your policy to understand your coverage, including additional living expenses if your home is uninhabitable.
  5. Cooperate with the Insurance Adjuster Be present during the adjuster’s inspection to point out all damage. Their report will determine the settlement offer.
  6. Get Multiple Repair Estimates Obtain detailed quotes from licensed contractors and compare them to the adjuster’s report. Don’t hesitate to negotiate if the offer seems too low.
  7. Keep Detailed Records Maintain a log of all communication with your insurer, save copies of correspondence, and keep all paperwork organized.

But here’s the critical next step: Call the Moore Law Firm for a FREE second opinion on your insurance claim. We’ll make sure your insurer is treating you fairly and honoring your policy. Our experienced attorneys will evaluate your coverage, review your damage, and determine if you’re getting the full compensation you’re entitled to.

There’s no cost and no obligation to get our professional assessment. If we find evidence that your insurance company is acting in bad faith or shortchanging you, we’ll advise you of your legal rights and fight fiercely on your behalf.

You’ve been through enough. You shouldn’t have to battle your insurance company too. Let the Moore Law Firm be your advocate and ally. Call us today at 1-888-566-6673 or visit www.Moore-Firm.com to request your free claim review.

Houston, we’ve weathered storms before. We will emerge from this disaster stronger, together. The Moore Law Firm is here to help you every step of the way.

Don’t settle for less than you deserve. Call now for your free second opinion and let us put our expertise to work for you.

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