Dallas Man Pays Over $2K/Mo. On Insurance, Gets Stuck With $128K Hospital Bill

In stories we’d wish were false, Steve Cole of Dallas received an out-of-network hospital bill of $128,731.53 that his health insurance will not cover.

Back in February of last year, Cole’s urologist sent him to Medical City Dallas Hospital for emergency treatment for his kidney stones. For nearly a year after his procedures, Cole, his health insurance (Scott & White Health), and MCD Hospital had all been battling each other over who should pay for this egregious hospital bill.

Shortly after the Dallas Morning News published his story, Scott & White agreed to pay the hospital bill in full, however at the time of this writing, Cole has yet to receive payment for his hospital bill.

Hospital Billing Scams Are Nothing New

Moore Law Firm has dedicated their practice to fighting for the rights of victims of hospital billing fraud and the hospital lien scam. Join the fight against hospital over-billing and call the Texas hospital lien lawyers at 956-631-LIEN (5436)

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