Why Does An Injury Lawyer Need To Be Involved If I’m In A Car Accident?

Being involved in a major car accident can be one of the most traumatizing experiences anyone can ever be put through. This is especially true for people who end up with major injuries that could affect their lives forever.

When you’re the victim of a car accident, meaning the accident wasn’t your fault, typically the at-fault driver’s insurance will kick in to help pay for your medical bills if you’re injured or if the at-fault driver doesn’t have insurance, you’d would file a claim against your own insurance using their uninsured motorist or underinsured motorist coverage. This system seems fair and simple enough, so, one may even ask:

Why Would An Injury Lawyer Ever Need To Be Involved If You’re In A Car Accident?

It’s an extremely valid point to make if you believe that the injury-coverage system will always work in everybody’s favor and that the insurance company’s mission is to protect you, the injured driver. With over 28 years as car accident lawyers, we can tell you with a 100% certainty that this is absolutely NOT the case and the perfect injury-coverage system is an absolute fairy tale.

Insurance companies are not your run-of-the-mill mom and pop shop struggling to make ends meet. Insurance companies represent a multi-billion dollar industry that is built on the backs of premium paying consumers who get left out in the cold when it comes time for the insurance company to pay up. When you need money for an injury you’ve sustained or to repair your car or to repair your home, insurance companies will only see you as another cost to their bottom line. If they can minimize that cost (by way of minimizing any payout to you) then they would have done their job to keep themselves in business.

What Happens If I Try To Settle My Car Accident Case By Myself?

To help answer why car accident lawyers are often necessary for your car accident injury claim, let’s go over a few scenarios as to what may happen if you decide to settle your car accident injury claim without the help of a car accident injury lawyer.

Scenario 1: Let’s say you were involved in an accident that sent you to the emergency room. You leave with a $20,000 hospital lien filed against you for a few examinations and some medication. The other drivers’ insurance company offers you $10,000 and that’s their final number. After a few weeks, you start getting collection calls from the hospital demanding payment for your $20,000 hospital lien. You feel like this is the best offer you’re going to get so you settle and now you’re indebted to the hospital for the remaining $10,000.

Scenario 2: You were involved in an accident that sent you to the emergency room. Your injuries don’t seem too serious but you’ve already racked up a $7,000 hospital bill which the hospital has used to file a hospital lien against you to make sure they get paid. A few days go by and you accept the insurance’s offer for $7,000 because that’s exactly the amount of your hospital bill to make that pesky hospital lien go away. Now, a few days since have passed and suddenly your back is feeling worse. You see your doctor who tells you that you’ll need surgery to repair your back, likely having been caused by the accident. Now, you’re without the net of the insurance companies’ money and stuck having to pay for this surgery on your own.

Scenario 3: You were driving along the highway when, suddenly, the brakes on your car fail and you slam into the car in front of you. Hurt, you still try to tell the police officer that it was your faulty brakes that caused the accident. Unable to thoroughly investigate, the officer hastily determines that you were the at-fault driver, killing any opportunity you may have had to file a claim with your own insurance. With no reasonable way to prove that your accident was due to faulty brakes, your claim never gets off the ground and you’re stuck paying for all of your medical bills.

Hiring A Car Accident Injury Lawyer Can Make A Big Difference

Each of those scenarios could have easily been avoided had a car accident injury lawyer been involved from the very beginning. In fact, studies show that people who hire a car accident lawyer for their injury claim actually receive an average of 3.5 times more than people who try to settle their injury claim on their own.

Hiring a car accident lawyer means that you have an advocate who understands how to navigate the rigged injury-coverage system and how to help you, the client, get the most out of your injury settlement to help pay for not only your medical expenses but for lost wages, therapy expenses, and any other compensation you may be entitled to receive as a result of your injury.

Click Here to Read More -> Car accident lawyer

Hire The McAllen Car Accident Lawyers At Moore Law Firm Today!

If you’re tired of getting the run around from the other driver’s insurance, you need to call the McAllen car accident lawyers at Moore Law Firm today for a FAST and FREE consultation and get legal representation RIGHT NOW!

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