How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Car Accident Lawyer?

A serious car accident can change your life in a moment; one minute you’re driving on the highway, the next you’re fighting for your life at the ER. After a few days on the mend, it begins to sink in that, somehow, you’re going to have to pay for your hospital bills. You also start realizing that, unfortunately, your regular bills are still coming. With a car accident as serious as this, you’ve likely had to stay home from work, leaving you more strapped than you realized. When you’ve just been in a serious car accident, the last thing on your mind is how exactly you’re going to afford to hire an experienced car accident lawyer.

Before you consider hiring an experienced car accident lawyer, it’s important to know the basics of how a lawyer is paid for their services.

What Are The Methods Of How A Lawyer Is Paid?

Texas lawyers typically have two different methods of how they are paid. One method is through a retainer fee and the other is through a contingency fee.

A retainer fee is a fee that is paid up-front to the lawyer for their legal services.  The lawyer will use these funds from the retainer fee to pay for any fees or costs associated with your case. Typically these funds are placed in a separate bank account so that every dollar can be accounted for and to provide transparency to the client. If the account becomes too low or has depleted, the client may choose to refill the account or terminate their contract.

A contingency fee is a fee that is taken from a percentage of the client’s monetary award or settlement. In this method, you pay nothing up-front and the lawyer, instead, fronts all costs associated with your case. The lawyer assumes all of the risks in this method because they are not paid unless they win or settle your case.

Which Lawyers Work On A Retainer Fee And Which Lawyers Work On A Contingency Fee?

The answer to this question really all depends on the lawyer’s area of practice and if the ultimate goal of the case is to win a monetary award.

Here’s a handy list of types of attorneys and their fees:

Lawyers That Work On A Retainer Fee

  • Criminal Lawyers
  • DWI Lawyers
  • Civil Rights Lawyers
  • Divorce Lawyers
  • Immigration Lawyers

Lawyers That Work On A Contingency Fee

  • Car Accident Lawyers
  • Personal Injury Lawyers
  • Slip and Fall Lawyers
  • Storm Damage Claim Lawyers
  • Hail Damage Lawyers
  • Hurricane Claim Lawyers
  • Medical Malpractice Lawyers
  • Wrongful Death Lawyers
  • Work Injury Lawyers
  • Defective Product Lawyers
  • Truck Accident Lawyers

How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Car Accident Lawyer?

As we can see on the list, car accident lawyers work on a contingency fee. This means that it is free to start your case and there are no out-of-pocket costs that you would ever have to pay. Better yet, if the car accident lawyer can’t win a monetary award or obtain a settlement for your car accident, you pay them nothing.

An experienced car accident lawyer understands that the name of the game is to get you, the client, the biggest monetary award they can obtain. Your car accident lawyer will take damages such as the amounts of your hospital bills, lost wages, any treatment or therapy you’ve had to take and use them to try to build up that award as high as they can so that there’s enough to pay for all of those things as well as for their own fee.

Click Here to Read More -> Car accident lawyer

Call The Car Accident Lawyers At Moore Law Firm Today

If you’ve been in a serious car accident, you need to call the car accident lawyers at Moore Law Firm today for your FREE and FAST consultation. It is absolutely FREE to start your case, ZERO out-of-pocket costs. Call, chat, or submit your information below to schedule your appointment today!

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