J. michael moore named favorite attorney in the rio grande valley for 2019, the monitor

Tuesday morning, representatives from businesses all across the Rio Grande Valley gathered at the Bert Ogden Arena for The Monitor’s 2019 Readers’ Choice Awards presentation. Prominent McAllen car accident lawyer J. Michael Moore walked away with the Readers’ Choice Award for Favorite Attorney in the Rio Grande Valley.

“It’s a tremendous honor to have been named The Monitor’s Readers’ Choice Award for Favorite Attorney for 2019. To the best clients in the world, thank you for all your support!” said J. Michael Moore on a post to Moore Law Firm’s Instagram and Facebook pages.

“This award really is a testament to our core value of always striving to be a client-first law firm. Our staff works long hours, weekends, holidays to do everything possible for our clients’ cases and being recognized for that work is truly something special our entire staff can celebrate,” said Joseph D. Oviedo, Moore Law Firm’s Chief Business Development Officer.

“Mr. Moore and his entire 27-year legal career are really the inspirations for our office. Knowing that he’s spent his years in the trenches, fighting for clients for this long is just incredible. Obviously, we never want to let our clients down but we also don’t want to let him down; he’s worked so hard to build us all up that’s it’s so important to us that we work harder to meet his high standards,” said Oviedo. “He’s inspired so many of us to pursue careers at attorneys; we produce law school students and lawyers here and that’s really what’s driven our success as a firm. I mean, really, all you can say is Moore es Mas!”

In total over 195 unique businesses from across the Valley were honored in being voted the very best in their respective industries.

J. Michael Moore, McAllen’s Hometown Lawyer

Attorney J. Michael Moore was born and raised in McAllen, Texas. Moore attended McAllen High School (McHi) as did his wife and his four children. Members of Moore’s extended family have businesses all throughout McAllen. Moore is a board member of the McAllen Country Club. Moore currently lives in McAllen and has his injury law firm situated right on 10th St.

For all intents and purposes, J. Michael Moore IS McAllen.

As McAllen has grown over the years, Moore has dedicated his entire legal career, tirelessly helping the members of his community and giving back to a city that has given him so much. This is why when Moore graduated from law school in Michigan, he made it his mission to come home to McAllen and serve his neighbors.

For over 27 years, Moore has fought and won countless cases for clients involved in situations like car accidents, 18 wheeler truck accidents, slip and falls, storm damage claims, and wrongful death.

Partner With McAllen Injury Lawyer J. Michael Moore Today

If you or a loved one are in need an experienced McAllen injury lawyer, partner with McAllen injury lawyer J. Michael Moore and Moore Law Firm today for your FREE and FAST consultation.

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